Downward Spiral

作品:Downward Spiral,作者:Michael Scharrer。使用POV-Ray的渲染。 Originally this one was planned as an image of planets getting sucked into a black hole, but looks more like a bunch of marbles flying around in a strange downward spiral pattern. It is also one of my earliest experiments with POV-Ray's macro feature. While it missed it's original goal, I think it still looks nice.

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#Povray #向下 #螺旋 #空間 # #彈珠 #吸入 #抽象 #3D #藝術 #渲染 #Michael-Scharrer #介質 #光子 #blob # #bumps-pattern #granite-pattern #marble-pattern #spherical-pattern #光線追蹤 #POV-Ray #三維